I knew some portion of the issue was a disruption to my routine - after spending the overwhelming majority of my time in WoW during the last two years either running random dungeon groups or working on pet battles, suddenly the five new levels stood in between me and what I was used to doing for probably the first time in my MMO career. Some portion was the learning curve associated with yet another major overhaul to the game's class system. Some portion was that the story simply needed time to ramp up.
I'm glad I took the time. Having cleared the Jade Forest, and hit level 87 in the process, I have found truth in both the mitigating factors but also potentially some degree of disappointment with the expansion itself.
Changing the time-to-kill
Over the years, I've found that I'm notoriously bad at predicting what class I am going to like in a new MMO. Many things that sound good on paper turn out to be not so fun in practice. The one indicator that works most of the time is the time it takes to solo an individual mob - a seemingly highly technical thing to look at but a major impact on my personal playstyle.
When individual mobs die very quickly, I would rather play a ranged character so that I'm not spending all of my time chasing after my next target. (This was a particular problem for SWTOR melee because your NPC companion switches targets automatically, while I'm still trying to figure out what direction to run in.) When mobs take comparatively long to beat down, I often prefer to play a melee character, as they are better suited to being in melee range and spend less time and effort kiting mobs around in an attempt to avoid damage.
WoW has historically been a game that tended very strongly towards short mob life expectancy - in Wrath in particular, solo mobs could take no more than 2-4 hits and live a total of 10 seconds each - really short compared to soloing in any other MMO. As such, it makes sense that I tried melee and ended up sticking with a mage. With Cataclysm - and now especially Pandaria - it seems that they have made a conscious effort to slow combat down. Health pools for both players and mobs are larger. The mage has been given the tools to deal with this - all three mage specs can now have a snare on their primary nuke spell and access to previously spec-specific defensive abilities.
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POM, Ice Barrier, and Living Bomb, now all on one spec |
Atmosphere of Pandaria
Assuming you don't hate the stylized graphics on principle, WoW has been getting prettier with every expansion. Cataclysm's approach of tacking on a few new areas to fill in gaps within the old world map made the expansion in some ways disjointed, but they did a very good job of making each zone feel like WoW's take on a specific environment (desert, undersea, etc). With a new, thematically consistent continent, Blizzard has tackled one consistent theme - China - and done so with some of their best results to date.
On the downside, the story definitely took a while to grow on me. One Pandaren in Warcraft III was cool, and the idea of an expansion of them sounded cool, but the reality of an entire continent of bears talking in Chinese-accented English going on about the serenity - and comic appetite - of their people may be overusing the gimmick after all.
Meanwhile, the story has inadvertently driven home how absurd WoW's current faction setup really is. The majority of the expansion's content, as with past years, pits players against common foes, often on behalf of neutral NPC factions. There is a strong effort to push individual storylines for the Horde and Alliance, but this only drives home how these are NPC factions that players are forced to live with.
Players have no more influence over the actions of "their" side of the conflict than they do over the numerous groups of NPC's. It is immediately obvious from the narrative that enlisting the local population to fight a war on a land where negative emotions can take physical form with catastrophic results is not a good idea. However, your NPC's are no less hapless than any of the others in avoiding this outcome, and for this we divide the playerbase permanently in half, only to once again be sent off to kill common enemies once the storyline is complete. At this point, the game would be better served leaving the two sides in place and having player characters be a third faction who can hang out with whichever group of NPC's they prefer for story purposes.
Moving Onwards
With the preliminaries resolved - the initial zone, two of the five levels, and yes, incidentally, taming pretty much every battle pet that moves on the continent so that's no longer competing with PVE questing for my attention - it'll be interesting to see how the experience shapes up. The thing that's odd about my Pandaria experience is that I'm clearly not tired of the sandbox PVE experience - that's what's competing for my time in numerous other games. It's possible that in another month, I'll be back to my routine of hitting the dungeon queue and doing whatever else strikes my fancy while I wait for the group to form. Or perhaps I need to face reality and switch to a melee character.
Regardless, my path forward in WoW is murky in a way that it hasn't been for years.
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At least there are Chinese dragons to collect? |